Thursday, May 5, 2016


For we are the aroma of Christ...
-- 2 Corinthians 2:15

Tonight is one of those perfect evenings. Perfect temperature. Perfect sunset. A walk around a perfectly still lake. And now, a perfectly clear sky dotted with stars.

There is a fragrance to a perfect evening like this. It is the smell of freshness on a crisp spring evening. You know the smell. It is mountain air in the fall, or a midnight ocean breeze. It is not always the same, but it is unmistakably living, fresh and crisp. And it lingers...

It cannot be duplicated artificially, though the attempt is made in everything from laundry detergent to body lotion. It is a fragrance that is more experienced than simply noticed through our sense of smell.

There is a fragrance to our lives. 

When we have been with Christ, it is an aroma of freshness, crispness and life. And it lingers...

It cannot be artificially produced. Laundry detergent religion and self-help body lotion attempt to produce the aroma. But they fail.

Only time spent with Christ himself can produce fragrance of life. And in a world filled with the rancid smells of death, self-promotion, and the rottenness of decay, it needs to linger...

I'm guessing that tomorrow morning when I pack to drive home, I will still be able to detect in my shirt, the aroma of the evening air sitting out on the deck. In the same way, I hope my life carries the fragrance of Christ.

God, pour in, over, and through me.

For now...

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